Great start to November - Debs and Jerry arrived! We've all had a great week; from swimming under waterfalls, to bush walking, swatting flies and saying 'Crikey' loads of times at Australia Zoo - we've done it all! Unfortunately, we only had a week so couldn't do everything! Next time Debbie!
We showed them the area - on the ground and high up from the lookout at Mount Tinbeerwah (or beer can mountain as Jerry puts it)! They were amazed at how undeveloped the area is and how green (they can confirm it rains a lot up here)! Jerry kept the kids entertained, Debbie and I drank wine!
Mark took Debbie to work - Noosa Heads Police Station circa 1973! Definately Life on Mars! Very impressed with our cop cars though!
We took them shopping at Eumundi Markets - my favourite band Oka were playing (I swear I don't stalk them, they're just everywhere I go)!!! We had some lovely lunches, breakfasts and BBQ's!
Noosa NP was a fab as ever - despite having to swat a million flies along the way (something to do with a storm brewing apparently)! Even saw a cute koala (well that back end of it)!
Jerry picked up some very useful skills that will undoubtably improve his lifestyle; like how to fold a T-shirt without ever having to let go of it???? Ummmmm, in return Jerry taught Mark and the boys how to rap,play the flute and balance a golf club on one hand - yesss, all very handy life skills! I taught Debbie all about Cleanskins - yep the wine cast offs, bottom of the barrel stuff that they sell really cheap! Oh and how to pick up some bargain clothes here (no we didn't even go near an op shop)!
All in all - a great time! We miss you both so much but know you'll be loving New Zealand! Can't wait to catch up!

Other news; ummm not much else has happened - will update later as we have a few birthdays coming up and some more mates moving over! Good luck Si, Sarah and co! Can't wait to see you all!
Oh new web site is up and running, altho as stated or 'screamed' 'Mark!!! I don't like it!!!' - ok I'll get over it - eventually : http://www.funkyphotography.com.au/
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