Yep, truly scrumptious is the only way I can describe these gorgeous gals! I feel a Julie Andrews song coming on! Many thanks to the beautiful Caldwell family and Happy Anniversay! Its been a busy week since returning from Sydney - not one, two but over 2000 pics to go through! These two littly's were amazing (despite turning their backs on me) - like I say I never take it personally! Thanks again for a great day (s)!!!!
Who'd have thought water fountains could be so much fun!
And some endearing moments - I love these, (not because she constantly turned her back on me) but because it has her snuggly cuddly toy in them!
and finally another little beauty - Anya! I never seem to be able to capture Anya smiling - she takes life very seriously, yesterday however, she smiled for just a few seconds! Hurrah! It was like the sun had appeared from beneath a cloud!

Oh and LOVIN this gorgeous baby and home shop at Peregian Beach, Evolve! Picked up this little hat, thought I'd use it for baby shoots!
XX Annie XX
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