Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Recipe.......

4am starts
1am finishes
An incy bit of 'stress'
Double doses of irritability
A pinch of excitement
A dash of nerves
Copious amounts of inspiration..........
{a little alcohol}

Yes this is the recipe to my life at the moment.........but I'm assured it will "all be worth it" watch this space for my new look website and branding.......... fresh, fun and funky, bright and colourful.

Some quick pics of what we've been up too, as well as the all of the above, we've also been busy shooting! And we've had a lotta fun while we've been doing it :) Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!! {more to come, this is just a sneak peek}


sonya chindamo said...

oh my how gorgeous,,,shes a stunner and i love the whole shot,,,on a winner love it!!!!!!!

Mummy McTavish said...

As usual, awesome photos!

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