April already! Next week Easter! Where's the year going? Anyway, had a fab time when my Aunt and Uncle flew up from Sydney. They stayed for 48 hours but we had a good time and the rain held off until the Monday when they flew home! We showed them as much of Noosa as we could, but it really was just a flying visit!
The boys are doing well, Mark great and I'm looking forward to having 2 weeks off work for the Easter hols! We were planning on going away for Easter, but the weather forecast is rain. So, it'll be an egg hunt around the house and some walks on the beach (egg hunts at 30 degrees are never much fun anyhow)!
A massive to thanks to Aunty Katy and Uncle Adam for the Easter gifts! Galaxy chocolate was lurrveely!! Also thanks to Maggy and Andrew for the boys treats and Egg money! Thanks also to Erin and Jedcia, the parcel arrived safe and sound! Looking forward to seeing you in July!
Oh and 2 of my snaps have been published in SALT magazine:
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