The local DUMP! Yes, I'm a girl that knows how to show her boys a good time! So, whilst my poor husband loaded the trailer up with decking for the alfresco area (hey, it'll get done at some point, just like the lanscaping)!!! I got my camera out! Wow - the dump is an amazing place for some real down and dirty shots! (literally very dirty as my boys school uniforms proved the next day, while I was attempting to 'clean' them)! Pallets, milk crates, reels of barbed wire (ok, we won't go there) - the dump had it all! Oh and all of those sinks and toilets (why would anyone buy a second hand toilet)???? Ummmm.......
Ollie became the 'Farmers Crest Model' - it 'just so happened' - pure fluke, that after I uploaded the pics onto the pc, I noticed I had photographed him in front of a load of milk crates wearing a top that said 'Pint Sized Hero'! I feel a few 'adverts' coming on! Cameron, became 'Emo' for 10 mins - that lovely, moody, teen, hoody look and Aaron - well, Aaron disappeared off and came back with the 'barbed wire' on the roll - which is why I told him to 'put it back and sit in the car you silly boy'!!! Did I not warn them the dump was damgerous??? Errmmm, perhaps not!

To make up for it we popped over to my friend Sam's (actually I 'lost' her telephone number for the umpteenth time, so had to ask for it AGAIN)! While we were there, Pete (Sam's other half) got the dirt bikes out. 10 acres, our 3 plus Sam's littlen Thomas let loose on 90cc's! They had a ball. Aaron only managed to fly over the handle bars once (he stood up and did the Steve Irwin ' wahooo' pose), Ollie also came off - or rather got dragged along, which has put him off for life! And Cameron?? Well he was like 'Driving Miss Daisy' - all sensible - a nice, leisurely ride around the paddocks, followed by a 'cup of tea'!

Beautiful Thomas X

Of course, I had my camera with me, and of course I managed to capture Aaron looking 'sooo Mr Cool' in my friend's purple Doc Martens (he 'forgot' his shoes - again)!!!! Oh and guess what???? I got home, rumaged through my bag...and have managed to lose Sam's number AGAIN!!!! How is this possible? (its ok I'll see her at the school tomorrow)!

Mr Cooolllll ..... cherry Doc Martens - you go boy!

Time for tea anyone?????
Ollie's birthday seemed to go on FOREVER! We took him to Brisbane to the science museum ( I won't bore you with the pics of that - needless to say they had a great time, but it really hasn't changed since 2004 when we last went there)! My friend Michelle flew in from Singapore - timed it just right with our little trip! It was great to sit and chat for ' a bit' (too short) and meet her gorgeous friend 'B' (no not like out of Cell Block H) - kinda was hoping Mark would have the initiative to take the boys off somewhere and leave us girls to chat, errrmmm he didn't and I haven't let him off with that one!

Afterwards it was lunch by the river and undie shopping for me at DFO - wow I love that place! Elle Mcphereson undies that actually fit and are sexy (well a girl can't help being a 32D - just thought I'd rub that in again SallyClaire)! Not quite sure it was the kinda birthday Ollie was expecting!
Wonderful to see Carly, Andy, Anya and Ryder Bourne - such an amazing family, heads firmly in the right place - despite the jetlag X

We also got together to share a very special moment at the beach; we got some beautiful pink and white balloons, pink ribbon and attached special messages and quotes for little Ava Rosemeyer who passed away last Febuary, aged just 3. It was a very windy day to put it mildly! I was expecting to get lovely shots of the balloons quietly drifting towards the heavens - what I achieved was this sudden mad rush where Ollie let go and............they were gone!!!! Not even a 400mm zoom could catch them! We know they've gone to right place tho, thats all that matters X

And PLEASEEEEE just a reminder to parents, never leave your children and babies in cars, even if your just popping into the shop or to get the kids from school. Yet another beautiful life has been lost this week, a 3 month old baby girl from Toowoomba. Sheye and Crayte Rosemeyer have been passionately compaigning since their loss of little Ava to try and prevent this ever happening again to another family, yet despite their best efforts and those of their friends and family, the unthinkable has happened. We really need to be vigilent, we need to remind parents of the dangers. Please speak to your local schools and ask them if a copy of 'Ava's Rules' can be put on the school notice boards or in the newsletters (I will attach a postcard size one here that you can download and copy).

Ava's Rules postcard can also be downloaded from Ava's memorial website;
and also for Ava, a beautiful pink sunset above some beach huts taken in the UK, Dovercourt by my sister Fern X

This photograph (slightly edited by me) was taken by Fern when she took baby Sam to meet his Great Grandma for the first time in hospital. Unfortunately my Nanna has had a fall, she has a colles fracture to her left wrist and a nasty gash to the head with a few sutures in. I found it quite a touching image, especially as she is so sick, get well soon, we think about you and miss you every day chick X .

We've also sold my beloved RAV4! But, its ok, I'm all over the emotional 'letting go' part as we sold it to Jack & Ashleigh - not only do they have very good taste in cars, but also in shoes and tattoos! (ooo that rhymes)! Thank you Ashleigh for letting me photograph your tootsies - I'm not that mad - honest! But I am still very impressed with the shoes and only $10 in Melbourne!!!
Just a quick reminder that I'm in Sydney for a week from the 15th May - bookings are being taken for the 16th and 17th May, after that its chill time XXX
Please visit my website for details - link on right side of this page under Funky Photography.
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