Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dragging behind.......

Not my own behind...although thats what it feels like at times! I'm behind on everything; food,diet,the kids,editing LIFE {dare I say it........ CHRISTMAS}!!! I appear to be slowly losing my mind! Is that allowed? Inconvenient right before christmas {I can hear Mark 'tsking' from here}! Everything seems to have happened 'all at once'! Firstly, WOW and a big congrats to Cameron who has graduated from Eumundi State School! Many thanks to his teachers for a) putting up with him and b) giving all the Year 7's a magnificent send off! You truly are all stars and wonderful teachers! St Teresa's has a lot to live up to!

Ollie in the 'zone' {thats the Santa effect}

Secondly, {aside from the kids breaking up from school} we took a trip to the glitzy Gold Coast, as Steve, Michelle, Ellie and JenJen flew up for a weeks hol from Sydney! So great to see them {even if my boys did behave shockingly - honestly pulling each others hair, worst than a bunch of girls}!!! We spent a gorgeous day (36 degrees) at Coolangatta, explored the markets {didn't buy anything of course} then followed it with an evening at Infinity {fleeced out of $100} and a meal at the Chat Room! You can check out the pics on FB {facebook of course}!

We survived, but soooo need another break {ha and ha again - as that ain't gonna be for a wee while yet}!

Fourthly {yes theres a fourth}!! Food died!!! We're all in shock! {Food for those of you that don't know, is Ollie's pet yabbi - we've had him for over a year}! Now we think it has been a combination of the heat {boiled} and over feeding him. RIP 'Food' XXX

And finally!!! I've had the pleasure of photographing some more gorgeous bubs! Honestly, I swear we have the most adorable kids in this area (and extremely yummy mummy's)!

More excitement to come as my brother Rich and his g/f Nikki move across permanently from NZ (yayyyyy) and of course.....its Christmas! Ahhhhhh {big sigh}....... {I NEED A HOLDAY}!!!

XX Annie XX

1 comment:

Tanya said...

I know how you feel!!! Everything seems to happen at once! We've had Formals, Graduations, birthdays school breaking up etc. never mind Christmas!!! A big congrats to Cameron!! sorry to hear about Food!!! Take care & have a wonderful Christmas with your family!!!!

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