Thursday, January 28, 2010

The day I've been longing for.......

and I missed it!

Yes after almost 8 weeks of 'longing and praying and wishing and hoping' for the schools to open....... I forgot to send the boys back to school! Last year I'm sure I had them packed and ready to go by 7am, in fact I may have even been knocking the school gates down! This year, I'm not quite sure what happened! Anyway, I've redeemed myself. Today they were up, fed, dressed and at school by 8am... the reason for this super efficiency???? Mark was home of course and he did it all!


Mum getting kids to school = FAIL

Mum taking pictures of the kids first day back at school = FAIL

.........ah well can't be good at everything hey?

PS these two little cuties were in Canberra at the Child Photographers Retreat - aren't they just super sweet and oh so gorgeous?

1 comment:

Tanya said...

LOL!! Miss Annie you crack me up!! Last year hubby dropped Jordan off at school on the first day, he failed to see the huge notice board as he drove passed.. the yr 10's started the next day... even I saw the bloody notice board as I drove by with the two little ones pmsl!!! I bet the boys didn't mind the extra day at home!! xx

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