A HUGE congrats to my lil sister Katy and her other half Adam - they tied the knot in tropical paradise! Really wished I could've been there, the photographs are amazing and Katy you look fab (and you Adam)! Glad the honeymoon ball went well too!

Thought I'd update this whilst I'm on 2 weeks holiday! The boys are on their half term hols, we've already had a nice weekend back in the Bunya Mountains - nice and chilled - we did absolutely NOTHING! This week I'm catching up with all the housework and next week I may actually get to relax before I return to work! We booked Jenny Wren chalet, slept 8 and was just gorgeous! http://www.bunyamountains.com.au/
All the kids are well, we're planning a busy month next month with my birthday looming (33 - arrrrhhhhhh) - Mark's wanting to whisk me off on a jet plane too..........Sydney! Fingers crossed!
Really loving the Facebook thingy - if your not on it - get on it! Great way to keep in touch and share photographs etc. Thanks to Susie and Rich for introducing us! http://www.facebook.com/
Great to see my mate Lesley doing well over in Wales - love the pics of the kids and all the family, you all look so well (despite the wind and rain)!
A Happy 60th Birthday to my Dad and also a 6th birthday for Courtney!
Weather here perfect! I love Aussie spring time, the temps hotting up, the surf around Noosa is amazing and I can't wait to spend some lazy days chilling out under a palm watching the kids fish and muck about in the water!
Mark sends his love to everyone. He's off out again on his Yamaha! We're looking forward to seeing Debbie and Gerry in ooooooooo, less than 4 weeks!!!! Wow, time flies. Mark's gonna try and get some time off so he can play tour guide!
Ollie has a new pet! Its a Yabbi (crayfish) kinda sweet really, only we're desperately trying to keep the thing alive!
My photography company is doing well - can I hang up the stethoscope??? Bloody hope so come next year! Website for company on way! Watch this space.......
Take care and love to all Annie, Mark and boys XXXX
PS 39 degrees in the shade, wahhooooooo!
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