Happy new year to all our friends and family! What a wet one we've had! Weather forecast for last 3 weeks - ummm rain, rain and more rain! Did I mention we've had rain???? Christmas day came and went very quickly, Mark was working and just had enough time to watch the boys open their pressies from Santa! They all received what they'd asked for! Thank you to everyone that sent money and presents over! A very special thank you to Emma, James, Jedcia and Erin for the boys gifts, Aunty Maggy and Uncle Andrew for the money, Aunty Stacey for their money, Aunty Katy and Uncle Adam for their clothes, SJ & Si for their DVD and Nan and Grandad Jones for the clothes!
Boxing Day - it rained again (we'd more or less gathered we were in for British weather at this point)! We took a stroll through Montville with our brolly's, went into the christmas shop (very festive) and had lunch at the Poets Cafe (very Italian). The rest of the festive period has been a bit of a blur as both Mark and I returned to work (again bar humbug)
Cameron is now 12! We celebrated his birthday at the Reef Hotel and........ it rained! He had a sleepover, played on the PS2 - so he didn't mind a bit of water!
Aaron is now 11! We took him and his mate Bodhi to our favourite Thai restaurant on the river - and it pee'd it down!
Our friends Michelle, Mark and their boys Alex and Elliott arrived from Singapore for a brief visit to Noosa on Boxing Day - they stayed for 4 days - it rained for 3! Just as they arrived a cyclone blew in off of Fraser island! Poor things, I promise the weather will be better next visit! We had a great time, good to catch up and even managed a barbie! Oh and Michelle and I drank wine - as it was raining!
A big thank you to Susie and Rich for a gorgeous brekky the other day - its good to catch up!
Really enjoying photographing babies and kids at the moment - is there a way to get them to stay still? Keeps you on your toes!
Oh and we found a green tree frog in our bleach bucket the other day! Aaron mopped the kitchen floor for 30 mins with it sitting on the side of the bucket - how cute!
New Years Eve???? It rained!!!!! Can you tell we're over it! Mark was again working, so I made myself a hot choc and snuggled in bed to watch the fireworks on TV - by 8pm however i was alseep and missed it! The boys stayed up and said they were fantastic as always!
Now the boys are older we can see their independence shining through! They appear to have the Aussie 'no fear' attitude which is slightly scary to say the least! This weekend has been a real 'boys' weekend! A big sleepover - 9 boys! They had a laugh, ate loads, drank loads (fizzy pop kind) and scared me stupid when I took them down the skate park! I swear they just don't realise what 'c-spine' injury really means (although I've explained it loads - even shown them images)! I just get 'yeah whatever Mum'!

Oh and I've achieved my new years resolution - to learn to drive an automatic! What was I so worried about??? Its SO much easier than a manual - wish I'd done it years ago! This obviously means I can now sell my RAV4! So if anyones interested in a groovy little AWD - just email me!
Miss you all lots, love Annie,Mark and boys (oh and its still raining)! X
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