Hurrah! Not only are the kids back to school, but we've celebrated another Aussie Day didn't rain! In fact it was 32 degrees and blue skies!

We spent the afternoon chillin at the river, writing letters and reading while the kids played AFL (they were a tad rough too)! With all our tatts,hats and flags we got into the spirit of it! Aaron won a parrot balloon from the clown on stilts (no insult, he really was a clown on stilts)!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my beautiful niece Zoe! Glad she liked her pressies - more on the way for John and Jamie. Congrats to my bro in law Kev on getting a new job - good luck mate! Oh and congrats to Si on getting your new job!

Mark and boys all well! Cameron is taller than me! Yep, it had to happen at some point, but didn't think he'd be 5ft 1 at 12 yrs! Ollie is catching up to Aaron (must be those tall genes on Mark's side)! And yessssss, Ollie's STILL sleeping in our bedroom at night! Help! It can't be good for any of us!

We're all organised for the year! I've put in applications for the kids high school, St Theresa's in Noosa, its a Catholic College so it'll be a wakeup call for them after free spirited Eumundi! Cameron starts there 2009 (Year 8), Aaron the following year and Oliver in 2012! By all accounts its the best school in the Noosa shire, so promising.

Mark's shifts at work continue to amaze! 10 in a row with a sprinkling of nights wherever they fancy putting them! Poor blokes shattered! Talking of policy things, well done to Ned and Jim for supporting the pay dispute and marching through London (and sightseeing by the looks of the pics, oh and drinking)! Hopefully it will have reached the right people to make a difference! And a huge congrats on your retirement Ned! Does that mean you've got time to visit us over here now?
Debbie and Jerry - got your message but have been unable to return your call, we must catch up soon as we miss you soooo much! We're also looking forward to seeing Paul and Karen when they fly over in a couple of weeks!
Thanks to Matt and Greg for letting me photograph them at skate park - we had a great few hours and got some good shots

Next week.........we're off to Bunya Mountains! Can't get enough of the place! Time to chill and unwind! We're staying in Magic Heights - it has Aus star Delux (Aus version of Sky), a parents retreat and spa - heaven! Will update after this.
Love to everyone, miss you loads! Thanks to Stacey and Neil, Nan & Grandad Jones for the boys birthday presents!
catch up soon love Annie, Mark, Cameron, Aaron and Ollie X
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