Whoooo big month and the best/worst (depending on how you look at it) is just two days away! Yep, on sat 1st march I go into Noosa hospital to have a rhinoplasty/septoplasty (nose job). Have been suspiciously calm over past few weeks - now starting to feel nervous. It'll be ok, won't it????

Anyway, other news - it was amazing to see Paul and Karen here at the begining of the month - wow they both look good - can't wait to retire! Weather - well it continued to rain as it has done most days since last October!!! Poor things flew all this way for rain! (sound familiar Michelle and Mark????) Mark gave Paul a tour of the sights (local plod station) and we went out one evening for a nice meal! (no pics on here as promised)!
So far this summer we've only managed one day over 40 degrees - last saturday, 43 degrees in the shade - loved it! Day after - dropped to 37, day after that 30 and rain - ah well, maybe we're in for a dry spell later in the year?
A big congrats to Rachel, Mike,Maiya and Issac - baby Luca was born last week weighing a whopping 9lbs 8ozs at Nambour. He's just plain gorgeous and we love him!
A happy birthday to little Thomas who is now 9! We had a great birthday party - flying fox, huge water slide and a bbq. Thanks to all the kids and parents for letting me take pics! I have to admit my friends have adorable children!

Ok, well update after the op! Will be out of hospital on sunday 2nd March then off work for 3 weeks! Fingers crossed for me! Lots love Annie XXXX
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