Not quite sure how or why, but I managed to capture the Easter Bunny doing pilates! (since I took this picture the bunny ears and tail have mysteriously disappeared)! Ummm
Well its been a FAB Easter with fantastic weather - hurrah! I may have even got a little sunburnt - oops! 32 dgerees in the shade so the eggy went out the window - or in the fridge to be more precise! As usual the kids got far too much choc - most of which is now laying around the house in one form or another! Oh and the biggest news - Ollie won the Easter Hat competition at school - or should I say Mark won???? Ollie started off with good intentions - but got bored, so Mark finished it and is pretty chuffed with himself (haven't dared burst his bubble by reminding him he was competing against kids aged between 6-8)!
Oooo and a MASSIVE thank you to Katy and Adam for the fab Easter hamper! What a lovely surprise to turn up on my doorstep - really chuffed with it - the bottle of bubbly's will come in handy this weekend when we celebrate our second year of living in this fab country!
Anyway, other news, we decided to drive south in search of new/interesting photo shoot locations - and also cos we were bored, and Noosa was busy! We were meant to be heading to Burleigh on the Gold Coast - however, the weatherman said it would rain???? Ummm, it didn't, but hey ho we can go another weekend! We headed to Redcliff on the northern side of Brisbane's Bayside. haven't been there for 4 yrs - in the fact the last time we went, we both described it as a complete dump! Well, what a transformation! I'll eat those "what a dump" words! Its had this complete Noosa style makeover! Its clean, tidy, plenty for the kids to do and has a fab lagoon with play areas along the foreshore. Unfortunately for us, we didn't realise it was the Festival of Sails - which meant there was no parking (unless you had a boat, which sadly, we do not). So we parked a kilometer away (in 30 degree heat it wasn't a pleasant walk)! The moaning kids followed....moaning....... That soon stopped when we found the two things you need on a hot day;
- A free swimming pool (lagoona)
- Air conditioned McDonalds

We spent a few hours in and around Redcliffe - as usual poor Ollie was used to test out my various lenses and filters (well done lad). I found some fantastic locations, that mainly involved public toilets??? In fact - the rougher looking the toilets the better! In Redcliffe they were painted the best 'aqua' colour which is great against kid's tanned skin!
After Redcliffe I instructed the driver (Mark) to take me to Bribie Island for sunset. Again this is somewhere we haven't been in 4 yrs. Aside from arriving 4 hrs early for sunset (slight miscalculation there), Bribie didn't disappoint. The play areas along the foreshore are great, more public toilets painted wacky colours and the usual weird island folk! The new jetty at Bribie is great - mad kids jumping off it (as if I'd ever let my boys do stuff like that - ummmmm), one c-spine injury complete with ambo's,board and collar! But the best - a beautiful pink sunset!
Just a few snaps from the day - I do believe I took over 600! Oh and some pics of my neighbours gorgeous kids! I didn't break Maiya's arm - she managed that all my herself at school! Both Maiya and Issac have exhausted my lolly collection - will have to go and buy some more!

Thanks for the email Ned - good to know you like purple socks! Maybe Ollie will turn out normal (ish)!

Great to see Chantelle, Trevor, Declan and Thomas! You all look so well! Keep in touch X
Oh and LOVIN the new Peregian Beach street scaping! Here was me being all hippy like and threatening to chain myself to trees!!!! In fairness no trees were cut down - just a few old houses! The Raw Energy Juice Bar is the best! Better still - all our friends go there, so endless hours chatting and gossiping!
Just have to show everyone this brill bus I found! Driving down the Eumundi Noosa Rd and spotted this old wreck at a car yard - I pulled over and asked the guy if I could take some pics of it - he seemed puzzeled but agreed! I'm so grateful to him, as the pics have come out great! So to Eumundi Car Wreckers - Thank You (I'm sure he wanted me to buy it)!

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