Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lollipops,feather boas and tutu's!

Thats the thing when you photograph little ones - they love to dress up! I've actually lost count of the number of lolly shots I've got (or the number of teeth I've ruined)! I've had a pretty much 'full on' photo week - feel exhausted, its 4am and I'm still editing! Madness - but I wouldn't have it any other way - love it!

Just a few from the week! All the kids have been fantastic! So patient and up for anything! Oh and the lens flare in some of the shots is deliberate - adds to the ambience! Thanks to Colleen and gorgeous Ellie-Mai! You are both amazing to work with! Thanks to Lou, Byron and Amber!

Oh and one of Aaron - yes the Yetti is alive (ummmm he's gonna kill me for this)! At least it proves he DOES wash and comb his hair (hope his teacher reads this)!

Eventually will get around to taking more pics of the boys - as usual, when the camera comes out - they disappear - ummmmm, me thinks they're 'so over it' (as Cameron would say)!

Nose News - well healing actually, no more bruising - still some swelling, sutures falling out all over the place - not quite sure they're meant to do that! See Specialist again at the end of the month for final verdict! ( I apologise in advance for looking like a complete 'trolley dolly' - but this is how I have to dress for work - pearls an all)

Westpac News - they've refunded all our money; as the letter states "we have completed our investigation and advise that a full refund of your claim will be made, as you have not breached any conditions on your card" - no shit Sherlock! How can we purchase airline tickets from the UK, for Easyjet when we're 12,000 miles away????? And why did it take Westpac 30 days to work that out???

And finally some pics of our beautiful sunsets and skies over the past week - have to say the sunsets during the cooler months are superb - love em!!!!

Things to come....... Michelle's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - what was your new age again???? Will see you very soon for a catch up and coffee when you fly into Brisbane! Ollie's birthday (my baby's going to be 9!!!!!!!) Mark's 36th or 37th birthday (yep I've offically forgotton his age) Have booked flights and accommodation to Sydney for his birthday and a table at the Wharf Restaurant just under the harbour bridge - how pretty.

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